What's new in Career Profile?

Author Itzel MossoItzel Mosso
Date August 3rd, 2020


In Workday 2020R1 Career Profile consolidates multiple tasks for managing talent data, enabling users to update their talent profile in a single page. You can configure Career Profile to consolidate the tasks for:

  • Awards and activities
  • Certifications
  • Education
  • Interests
  • Job history
  • Skills
  • Work experience

You can only use this functionality after you opt in to Career Profile on the Maintain Feature Opt-Ins report.
The benefits you can opt into Career Profile are: Make it easier for users to update their talent profile, Reduce the number of stand-alone tasks that users need to access and Streamline the process of managing talent data.

Questions to consider

Questions Considerations
Do you have any business process definitions for any Career Profile sections? Workday doesn’t use custom business processes for Career Profile changes. For active sections,
Workday automatically saves any changes made in Career Profile instead of acquiring approvals.
If you prefer using the stand-alone tasks or custom business processes for a specific section, you
can inactivate a section through the Configure Career Profile task.
What happens to in-progress events when I opt in to Career Profile or make a section active? Workday locks out any fields that have pending changes. Users can’t make any changes to locked
fields in Career Profile until the business process is complete.


Considerations and Limitations

When you first opt in to Career Profile, we recommend you inactivate sections that correspond to business process definitions that you want to keep using.
Active Career Profile sections don’t support:

  • Custom business process configurations, including approvals, help text, and validation rules.
  • Guided tours.

Users can’t save their changes for later.
Career Profile is currently not available on mobile devices.


Career Profile enables academic affiliates, workers, and students to manage different parts of their talent profile through a single page

  • Access the Maintain Feature Opt-Ins report.

Opt in to the Career Profile.
Security: Set Up: System domain in the System functional area.

  1. Access the Configure Career Profile task.

Configure which sections are available in Career Profile and organize the display order of active sections.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.

  • Edit Domain Security Policies.

Assign self-service security groups to the Self-Service: Interests domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area and these domains in the Talent Core functional area:

  • Self-Service: Achievements
  • Self-Service: Certifications
  • Self-Service: Education
  • Self-Service: Job History
  • Self-Service: Skills
  • Self-Service: Work Experience

Assign security groups to the Worker Data: Interests domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area and these domains in the Talent Core functional area:

  • Person Data: Achievements
  • Person Data: Certifications
  • Person Data: Education
  • Person Data: Skills
  • Worker Data: Skills and Experience
  • Worker Data: Work Experience
  1. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.



For active Career Profile sections, Workday:

  • Consolidates any corresponding stand-alone add, edit, and remove tasks.
  • Consolidates any add, edit, or remove buttons into a single edit button that directs users to the section.
  • Doesn’t use custom business process security policies and definitions.
  • Automatically saves changes made by users when they navigate to another section.


Customers and Workers can now manage their certifications, work experience, awards and activities in their Career Profile. To provide more control, also to enable configuring which tasks are available in a single location.
This provides a more consistent user experience and reduces the number of stand-alone tasks that users need to access. On the other hand, make it easier for users to update their talent data by automatically saving their changes to their profile.

Chau, A. (2020). Career Profile, de Workday Sitio web: https://community.workday.com/node/610762


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