Job Overlap is a tool that allows you to overlap workers in the same position to meet specific staffing needs like train a replacement for a worker who will soon be leaving, or backfill a position while a worker takes a leave of absence.
Tenant Setup and considerations
Enable your Workday tenant for job overlap in the Edit Tenant Setup – HCM task. There will be two options:
- Allow Job Overlap for Staffing – enables you to select individual positions for overlap when they become vacant. When tasks Change Job, Change, End Job, End Contingent Worker Contract, End International Assignment, and Terminate Employee are future-dated, they display the Is this position available for overlap? check box.
- Allow Job Overlap for Leave – Automatically makes positions available for overlap when workers go on leave. This setting doesn’t enable you to select individual positions for overlap, even when tasks are future-dated.
Once your have enabled the functionality, positions can be overlapped as long as:
- The position is in an organisation using the position management staffing model
- The principal worker (the original job holder) has a future-dated staffing event that leaves the position vacant, such as a leave of absence or a termination
- The position is not being closed or moved to another organisation.
Terms for Job Overlap:
Security Implications
- Overlap workers will share all security roles associated with the position restrictions. For example, if the position is the manager of a supervisory organisation, both managers can view workers data and initiate actions.
- When you rescind, the overlap worker remains in the position and keeps the security roles unless you take additional steps to reassign the worker.
Managing Job Overlap
- If you’ve already assigned an overlap worker to the position, you can’t change the overlap flag. You can’t correct the effective date to be after the date that you hired the overlap worker into the position.
- When you hire the overlap worker into a position on the same date that the principal worker leaves the position, the workers aren’t in job overlap. The only exception is a termination, as the position doesn’t become available until 1 day after the termination effective date.
Job Overlap is a fantastic tool to use when an associate is leaving the organisation soon because both, the current associate and new associate, can temporarily share the same seat, meaning you don’t have to open a new position for a replacement.
Used correctly, and based on your organisation’s security needs, this asset can help you save time on inductions, since the new associate can leave in real time what their tasks will look like.