What’s New for WD2021 R1: HCM Core

Author Nicolás MullerNicolás Muller
Date March 12th, 2021

Workday release 2021 R1 is ready for going live on the 13rd of March, this release goes from fixing simple bugs to new features intended to increase agility and efficiency, give a better and more accurate insight and most importantly improve the user experience. Let’s find together some of the new features and updates for the HCM Core Module.
These new features are aimed towards improving accessibility, security, as well as modifying existing data. Sometimes changes are necessary since they speed up and optimize performance on information management. Therefore from BNB team we suggest you to consider the following releases for your system in order to improve the overall user experience.
User experience has been enhanced in both international and domestic assignments: Reports on assignments are more efficient and visibility on assignment levels has been improved. Workday has refined search for Positions, Pre-hires and position restrictions as well as “Match and Merge” processes to handle duplicate records (Inactive students can also be hired now to prevent duplicate records from happening all together) There are new Import Web Services for common business processes such as “Create Position” and “Hiring Restrictions” and improved security for all staffing web services has been set to minimize risk.
Workday has upgraded the Change Job business process by allowing selection of which localization is allowed to be displayed. Also, we can now configure condition rules and security groups in the Change Job business process Template.Also within R12021, a manager’s team can now be also moved with him or her. 
You can now correct supervisory organizations in the Hire Business Process, view job requisitions with the “In progress job requisitions events report” and “end job” and “terminate employees” with a single task. In relation to the former, Payroll inputs can be set to automatically end for terminated workers. 
In terms of visibility, prononuns are now displayed in the worker’s profile and visibility on disability fields can be configured. Similarly, Workday will now permit the option to store specific personal information and gender by country. 
Most updates are aimed towards minimizing the amount of time spent on job related business processes (extra tasks or record management) while improving security and refining the search experience.
BNB Team recommends: 
We recommend you to plan ahead and access the information provided by BNB to reduce the possible impact of the new update. In order to effectively apply these new features, make sure you configure security groups on the appropriate business process security policies to enable users take advantage of the services. Some new features require setup in order to take effect on the tenants but most of them will be automatically applied. 
Furthermore, we remind you of the Feature Release Guidebook  and the What’s New Posts available in Workday Community.
Are you prepared for the 2021 R1 release?
Contact our team of experts for more detailed info about it 
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